Gastric balloon

Gastric balloon is a non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient’s stomach. The balloon in the stomach creates a feeling of fullness quickly when eating, which results in a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. The primary goal of the gastric balloon is to give the patient a push to change their lifestyle. With the right diet and exercise habits, successful weight loss can be achieved with the help of the gastric balloon. On average, depending on the type of gastric balloon, weight loss of 7–20% of initial body weight can be achieved.

How does the gastric balloon help?

The gastric balloon does not require surgery and its advantage is a very low risk of complications. The gastric balloon can be placed for 6 or 12 months depending on your decision after consulting with the surgeon. The gastric balloon can be used as an independent weight loss method or combined with weight loss medications.
If necessary, the gastric balloon can also be used before different surgeries to reduce surgical risks. For example, in cases of extreme obesity, bariatric surgeries cannot technically be performed without prior weight loss.

To achieve better results, the gastric balloon can also be placed multiple times consecutively, with small intervals (about two months).

Gastric balloon – for whom?

Gastric balloon is indicated as a weight loss method if the body mass index is 25 or higher.

Gastric balloon — Health Clinic Laihdutusklinikka Gastric balloon is a non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient's stomach. The balloon in the stomach creates a feeling of fullness quickly when eating, which results in a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. The primary goal of the gastric balloon is to give the patient a push to change their lifestyle. With the right diet and exercise habits, successful weight loss can be achieved with the help of the gastric balloon. On average, depending on the type of gastric balloon, weight loss of 7–20% of initial body weight can be achieved.

Calculate your body mass index

BMI calculator ENG


Procedure information

Surgeon Dr Rein Adamson

Indications by body mass index

BMI 25
Anaesthesia 6-month gastric balloon – intravenous anaesthesia
12-month gastric balloon – general anaesthesia

Procedure duration

0,5-1 hours

Nights spent in hospital


Necessary time of rest

1 week

Expected weight loss

7–20 % of initial weight


  • The digestive tract is not surgically opened
  • Quick recovery from the procedure
  • Suitable for overweight and does not require the presence of obesity
  • Smaller weight loss compared to other bariatric surgery procedures
  • Unpleasant digestive symptoms may occur

Procedure reversible

Price 6-month gastric balloon – €3200
12-month gastric balloon – €3700

Payment in instalments

From €78 a month. Apply for instalment payments here.

How to prepare for the procedure?

  • Read the information materials you received and prepare for the time following the procedure
  • Plan for a complete rest of at least 24 hours after returning home
  • If necessary, arrange for someone to assist you at home for a few days
  • Stock up on suitable post-procedure meals and liquids
  • Do not eat for 12 hours before the procedure
  • Do not drink for 6 hours before the procedure

Day of placement

On the day of the procedure, the hospital team will prepare you for the endoscopic placement of the gastric balloon. The placement itself typically takes about 30-60 minutes. The procedure is performed under intravenous anaesthesia or general anaesthesia under the supervision of an anaesthesiologist (6-month gastric balloon under intravenous anaesthesia, 12-month gastric balloon under general anaesthesia). During the anaesthesia, the doctor will check your stomach with an endoscope before inserting the gastric balloon. The empty gastric balloon is placed through the mouth into the stomach. Once the gastric balloon is inserted and filled with sterile fluid, you will stay in the hospital for observation, usually until the next morning. You will stay in the hospital for approximately 24 hours.

Adjusting to the gastric balloon

Gastric balloon — Health Clinic Laihdutusklinikka Gastric balloon is a non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient's stomach. The balloon in the stomach creates a feeling of fullness quickly when eating, which results in a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. The primary goal of the gastric balloon is to give the patient a push to change their lifestyle. With the right diet and exercise habits, successful weight loss can be achieved with the help of the gastric balloon. On average, depending on the type of gastric balloon, weight loss of 7–20% of initial body weight can be achieved.

The first few days are likely to be uncomfortable as your stomach is adjusting to the presence of the balloon. One-third of patients experience unpleasant symptoms during this period. Nausea, vomiting, bloating, diarrhoea or stomach cramps may occur. Your body needs time to adjust to the gastric balloon. These symptoms are therefore normal and usually subside after a few days.

Your doctor will provide the first guidelines for drinking water while still in the hospital. You can take a few sips of water 4–6 hours after the procedure. Usually, you do not start eating while in the hospital.

During the first few days and beyond, it is essential that you drink enough water (1.5–2 litres). For the first three days, it is recommended to consume only liquids and avoid solid foods.
Suitable options are:
– natural juices diluted with water (without added sugar);
– herbal teas;
– broths (low-fat);

Approximately 10–12 days after the gastric balloon placement, you can start trying more solid foods. Before adding truly solid foods to your diet, it is advisable to begin with soft foods. The speed of transitioning to regular-textured food depends on how well your body tolerates liquids and soft foods. It is important to make the transition slowly and not rush the adaptation process.

After the first two weeks, your body will start to get used to the gastric balloon. At this point, you can increase physical activity and return to your regular activities.

During the gastric balloon period (6 or 12 months), it is crucial to prepare for life after the balloon, ensuring that the lost weight does not return after its removal. Remember, the gastric balloon is only a ‘training tool’, like training wheels on a bicycle. Thus, it is essential that new, healthy eating and exercise habits become ingrained and part of your normal life.

– Make your new eating habits a long-term, enjoyable lifestyle change.
– Try to increase physical activity – go outside frequently and exercise when possible.
– Aim to integrate these new habits seamlessly into your daily routine, making them easy to follow.

During this period, food should have a pureed texture. When trying new foods, start cautiously and initially with very small amounts.
Foods to add to your diet include:
– protein drinks;
– liquid porridges;
– yoghurt;
– thicker juices;
– smoothies;
– pureed soups.

Palloon tottuminen​

Gastric balloon — Health Clinic Laihdutusklinikka Gastric balloon is a non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient's stomach. The balloon in the stomach creates a feeling of fullness quickly when eating, which results in a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. The primary goal of the gastric balloon is to give the patient a push to change their lifestyle. With the right diet and exercise habits, successful weight loss can be achieved with the help of the gastric balloon. On average, depending on the type of gastric balloon, weight loss of 7–20% of initial body weight can be achieved.

Ensimmäiset pari päivää ovat todennäköisesti epämukavia, koska vatsa on vasta totuttelemassa pallon olemassaoloon. Kolmasosa potilaista kokee tänä aikana epämiellyttäviä oireita. Pahoinvointia, oksentelua, ilmavaivoja, ripulia tai vatsakramppeja voi esiintyä. Keho tarvitsee aikaa sopeutuakseen mahapalloon. Nämä oireet ovat siis normaaleja ja menevät yleensä ohi parissa päivässä.

Lääkärisi antaa ensimmäiset ohjeet veden juomisesta vielä sairaalassa ollessasi. Voit juoda muutaman kulauksen vettä 4–6 tuntia toimenpiteen jälkeen. Tavallisesti syömistä ei aloiteta sairaalassa ollessa.

Gastric balloon — Health Clinic Laihdutusklinikka Gastric balloon is a non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient's stomach. The balloon in the stomach creates a feeling of fullness quickly when eating, which results in a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. The primary goal of the gastric balloon is to give the patient a push to change their lifestyle. With the right diet and exercise habits, successful weight loss can be achieved with the help of the gastric balloon. On average, depending on the type of gastric balloon, weight loss of 7–20% of initial body weight can be achieved.

Ensimmäisten parin päivän aikana ja sen jälkeenkin on erittäin tärkeää juoda riittävästi vettä (1,5–2 litraa). Kolmen ensimmäisen päivän aikana on suositeltavaa juoda vain nesteitä ja välttää kiinteämmän ruoan syömistä.
Sopivat valintoja ovat
– vedellä laimennetut luonnolliset mehut (ilman lisättyä sokeria)
– yrttiteet
– liemet (vähärasvaiset)
– hyytelöt.

Gastric balloon — Health Clinic Laihdutusklinikka Gastric balloon is a non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient's stomach. The balloon in the stomach creates a feeling of fullness quickly when eating, which results in a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. The primary goal of the gastric balloon is to give the patient a push to change their lifestyle. With the right diet and exercise habits, successful weight loss can be achieved with the help of the gastric balloon. On average, depending on the type of gastric balloon, weight loss of 7–20% of initial body weight can be achieved.

Tänä aikana ruoan on oltava rakenteeltaan soseutettua. Aloita uusien ruokien kokeilu varovasti ja aluksi hyvin pieninä määrinä.
Ruokalistalle lisätään
– proteiinijuomat
– vellit
– jogurtit
– paksummat mehut
– smoothiet
– sosekeitot.

Gastric balloon — Health Clinic Laihdutusklinikka Gastric balloon is a non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient's stomach. The balloon in the stomach creates a feeling of fullness quickly when eating, which results in a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. The primary goal of the gastric balloon is to give the patient a push to change their lifestyle. With the right diet and exercise habits, successful weight loss can be achieved with the help of the gastric balloon. On average, depending on the type of gastric balloon, weight loss of 7–20% of initial body weight can be achieved.

Noin 10–12 päivän kuluttua mahapallon asentamisesta voit alkaa kokeilla kiinteämpiä ruokia. On suositeltavaa aloittaa pehmeiden ruokien syöminen varovasti ennen kuin ruokalistalle lisätään kunnolla kiinteitä ruokia. Se, kuinka nopeasti siirtyminen rakenteeltaan normaaliin ruokaan tapahtuu, riippuu siitä, kuinka hyvin kehosi sietää nesteitä ja pehmeitä ruokia. On tärkeää, että siirtyminen tapahtuu hitaasti etkä pyri kiirehtimään sopeutumisprosessia.

Kahden ensimmäisen viikon jälkeen kehosi alkaa tottua vatsassa olevaan palloon. Voit nyt lisätä fyysistä aktiivisuuttasi ja palata normaaliin toimintaasi.

Mahapallon käytön aikana (6 tai 12 kuukautta) on tärkeää valmistautua myöhempään elämään, jotta pudottamasi kilot eivät palaa takaisin pallon poistamisen jälkeen. Muista, että mahapallo on vain ”opetusväline”, kuten polkupyörän apupyörät. On siis erittäin tärkeää, että uudet hyödylliset ravitsemus- ja liikuntatottumukset juurtuvat ja niistä tulee normaali osa elämääsi.

Gastric balloon — Health Clinic Laihdutusklinikka Gastric balloon is a non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient's stomach. The balloon in the stomach creates a feeling of fullness quickly when eating, which results in a reduction in the amount of food consumed and weight loss. The primary goal of the gastric balloon is to give the patient a push to change their lifestyle. With the right diet and exercise habits, successful weight loss can be achieved with the help of the gastric balloon. On average, depending on the type of gastric balloon, weight loss of 7–20% of initial body weight can be achieved.
  • Juurruta uusista ruokailutottumuksista pitkäaikainen ja miellyttävä elämäntapamuutos.

  • Yritä lisätä fyysistä aktiivisuutta – liiku paljon ulkona ja kuntoile mahdollisuuksien mukaan.

  • Yritä sovittaa uudet tottumukset mahdollisimman hyvin omaan päivittäiseen rutiiniisi ja tee niistä itsellesi helposti noudatettavia.

A gastric balloon may be suitable for you if…

  • You are at least 18 years old
  • Your body mass index is at least 25
  • You are willing to follow the dietary and exercise recommendations given to you in combination with the gastric balloon

The gastric balloon may not be suitable for you if…

  • You are not ready to make lifestyle changes
  • You have had previous stomach or esophageal surgery, obstruction, peritonitis with adhesions, or a large diaphragmatic hernia
  • You have serious kidney, liver or lung disease
  • You have been on long-term steroid treatment
  • You have been addicted to alcohol or drugs in the last 12 months
  • You are pregnant

Like all medical procedures, there is a potential risk for unforeseen, unknown or negative reactions to medications or the procedure. Discuss any concerns and expectations regarding the gastric balloon with your doctor and weigh the benefits and potential risks involved.

Test your suitability

Lue tyytyväisistä asiakkaistamme

Frequently asked questions about weight loss

You may lose a significant amount of weight, on average 10-25 kg, but the results depend on how well you follow the programme and how you adjust your eating habits.

A: You will experience a feeling of discomfort for the a few days. After this you will mostly feel like you stomach is full.

The first three days will be very difficult. Stomach cramps, nausea and vomiting are normal and expected. It is extremely important to follow the advice of your doctor and drink plenty of fluids. Medicines may relieve the uncomfortable feeling.

You must plan for at least three inactive days to permit recovery from the procedure. Sooner or later you will be able to continue your normal activity, depending on how fast your body adapts to the balloon.

It may be presumed that you will lose more weight with the BIB. As the BIB gives you the feeling of a full stomach, you will control your eating habits and choose healthy choices more easily.

You should not plan any strenuous exercise for the first week. When your body has adapted to the balloon, you may continue your normal activity. It is strongly recommended that you start with regular training which will be helpful in being successful.

If the balloon leaks, you will notice differences in the colour of your urine (it will be greenish). Although it happens rarely, it can be a serious problem. If you notice a change in the colour of your urine, you should call your doctor immediately. If the BIB has been emptied it will probably pass naturally through your intestines, but in some cases the doctor has to remove it.

You will not like to eat as much as before. Additionally, if you eat fatty foods or sweets you may feel sick. When the balloon has been deployed, eating too much may become dangerous and cause a serious condition.

ou can consume alcohol in moderation.

The gastric balloon will be removed through the mouth, exactly the same way as it was deployed. The 20-minute procedure will be performed under vein or general anaesthesia.

Removal of the balloon

In six or twelve months, the gastric balloon is removed through a procedure similar to its placement. The removal procedure is performed under intravenous sedation (for the 6-month balloon) or general anesthesia (for the 12-month balloon). The doctor first drains the fluid from the balloon, after which the empty balloon is removed from the stomach. While in your stomach, the balloon is filled with fluid containing a blue dye. If you notice any unusual changes in the color of your urine or stool before the balloon is removed, you must inform your surgeon immediately, as this may indicate that the balloon has ruptured on its own. If the balloon is not removed, it may cause an intestinal obstruction.

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