Bariatric procedures are often the only way to quickly and safely get rid of dangerous excess weight. Severe excess weight significantly reduces the quality of life, shortens life expectancy and causes various mental problems. Patients who have tried to control their increasingly dangerous excess weight with other methods without success often find help in gastric bypass surgery. Every patient is different and one surgical method does not suit everyone, therefore it is important to have the opportunity to choose between different options that suit you personally. We have developed three different surgical solutions and one non-surgical procedure to get rid of dangerous weight. Thus, The Health Clinic’s weight loss surgeons have the largest selection of modern weight loss methods in their arsenal, allowing us to offer you the largest selection of weight loss procedures in Estonia.
Bariatric surgery
Bariatric surgery, or weight loss surgery, is scientifically proven to be the most effective treatment method for obesity and associated diseases, creating significant and permanent weight loss. Weight loss surgery can prevent or even reverse a number of serious obesity-related diseases and gastric bypass surgery can often be the only effective solution when diet and exercise alone have not yielded sufficient results.
Gastric bypass surgery limits the amount of food that can be consumed. A smaller stomach fills up quickly when eating and the feeling of fullness comes with just a small amount of food. As a result, the person voluntarily consumes fewer calories and loses weight. Patients who have undergone the procedure can expect a loss of 50–85% of their excess weight within two years after the gastric reduction.

In addition, gastric reduction surgery significantly changes patients’ food preferences and eating behaviours. As a result, body weight continues to decrease, several associated diseases (such as type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, etc.) improve and this leads to an extended lifespan.
After surgery, the amount of food consumed is not only reduced due to a smaller stomach, but there may also be a change in the work of hormones that regulate appetite. If the appetite is smaller due to improved hormone function, it will be easier to make better and healthier food choices in the future. Together with professional counselling and monitoring and the help of the entire weight loss surgery team, long-term results and good physical shape can be achieved for decades.
There is an increasing shift towards considering factors beyond body mass index when assessing the necessity and effectiveness of gastric bypass surgery, as BMI alone does not provide the most accurate information about a person’s actual health status. A more complex approach is needed; the person’s concomitant diseases, health history, eating and exercise habits, risk behaviour, etc. must also be taken into account.
However, gastric bypass surgery is indicated based on body mass index if it is over 30 kg/m2 and diseases that play a role in the decision are type 2 diabetes, heart failure, high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure, joint diseases, sleep apnoea, infertility, etc.
Test your suitability
Also known as vertical gastrectomy, this weight loss surgery involves removing most of the stomach.
- Duration 0.5–1 hour
- Recovery 2 weeks
- Weight loss 60–70% of excess weight
This bariatric surgery method not only reduces the size of the stomach but also alters the movement of food in the small intestine, reducing calorie absorption.
- Duration 1–1.5 hours
- Recovery 2 weeks
- Weight loss 70–80% of excess weight
This is a gastric bypass surgery where both the stomach and small intestine are reduced, leading to a decrease in calorie absorption and food intake.
- Duration 1–1.5 hours
- Recovery 2 weeks
- Weight loss 75–85% of excess weight
A non-surgical obesity treatment method in which a liquid-filled balloon is placed in the patient’s stomach, which causes a feeling of fullness very quickly.
- Duration 0.5–1 hour
- Recovery 1 week
- Weight loss 7–20% of initial weight

Effective solutions
Finding the causes of excess weight can be a very long and complicated process. However, many people need an immediate solution due to the problems associated with obesity. Tummy tuck procedures are giving thousands of people back the chance to get their weight back under control. Bariatric procedures are effective and often the only solutions that work when other methods have failed. Our services are often the last resort for those who want to lose weight but need help doing so. Bariatric surgery remains the most effective and fastest way to regain control over your body weight.
Hundreds of successful weight loss stories
Over the years, we have helped hundreds of Estonians overcome obesity. Hundreds of people have regained their lives and health. People who entered our clinic with a heavy burden and a sense of hopelessness have regained their joy and zest for life with the help of our doctors. The weight lost through bariatric surgery not only results in a more attractive appearance but also better health, longer life and years lived with better quality. Come and ask us how we can help you regain lightness and joy of life.

Lifetime customer support
We truly care about you. For us, you are not only a patient, but also a partner. Our cooperation does not end when you leave the procedure room. On the contrary, our cooperation and success story often only begins there. Weight loss is a journey, and we are here for you along the way. As our patient, you have lifetime customer support. Our customer coordinators, nurses, doctors and specialists are always available to provide you with support whenever you feel the need. By choosing our clinic, you are not only selecting a slimmer and healthier body, but also a supportive and caring companion who will stay with you as long as needed. We are always here for you.
Bariatric surgery package prices:
3200 / 3700 €
Gastric balloon
6300 €
Gastric sleeve
6300 €
Gastric bypass
6300 €
Mini gastric bypass
6900 €
Revision surgery
What is included in the package price?
- Consultation with the operating surgeon
- Advice from a clinical nutrition therapist before surgery
- Tests and examinations before surgery
- Surgery and hospital stay (1–2 nights depending on the procedure)
- Post-operative guidelines with information materials
- Psychological counselling
- Follow-up visits with the surgeon 2–3 weeks, 3, 6 and 12 months after surgery
- Consultations with a clinical nutrition therapist 2, 6, 12 and 24 months after surgery
- Treatment of complications for both early and late complications (excluding excess skin issues and less than expected weight loss or weight gain)
- Lifetime customer support
- Additionally
– Referral to a personal trainer, if necessary (consultation and training plan for an additional fee)
– Discounted price for post-bariatric plastic surgery after massive weight loss (abdominoplasty, arm lift, thigh lift, breast surgery)
Checklist after leaving the hospital
* You should not have a high fever, night sweats or chills, your breathing should be free and without pain.
* Clear or bloody fluid may secrete from surgical wounds. Change dressings/plasters once a day. Contact your doctor if you notice purulent discharge, redness or pain in the wound.
* You may shower and the wounds may get wet. After washing, dry the wounds with a clean towel and, if necessary, cover with plasters.
* When trying new foods, start with a small bite, chew thoroughly and wait to see if it suits you. If you feel nauseous or uncomfortable with a particular food, exclude it from your diet for a week and try again later.
* We recommend protein drinks or powders for the first month after bariatric surgery or until you can get enough protein from your diet.
* You will need to take the recommended vitamins and mineral supplements daily for the rest of your life. We will give you specific recommendations for this.
* Following the recommended diet will help you achieve and maintain your desired weight loss.
* Your commitment to diet, exercise and lifestyle changes will be the foundation of your success after surgery.
* Keep a food and exercise diary if necessary. Record meal times, food consumed, quantities, preparation methods and number of calories. Share it with your counsellor and together you can analyse the diary and adjust your habits if necessary.
* You should not feel dizzy while standing or walking. Try to be mobile throughout the day but within your limits. Being active during the day should help you sleep well at night. While you might tire more quickly than before surgery, your activity periods will gradually lengthen over time.
* You may have diarrhoea or constipation after surgery, but this usually resolves within 7-10 days. Be sure to have regular post-surgery check-ups with your bariatric nurse, counsellor or doctor.
* Keep track of how many days have passed since your surgery and observe changes in your body during this time. Follow the instructions we provide and the recommendations of your counsellor.
The following dietary recommendations are suitable after vertical sleeve gastrectomy, gastric bypass surgery and mini-bypass surgery:
The dietary recommendations differ the most immediately after surgery when the texture of food must be carefully monitored. The following specific periods must be followed:
Weeks 1-2 after surgery: The texture of the food is puree without lumps. The portion size is 15-60 mL and there are four to six meals per day. Suitable foods include reduced-fat yoghurt; pureed cottage cheese; pureed chicken, turkey, beef or fish; protein-rich smoothies; low-fat pureed soups; liquid porridge; protein drinks
Weeks 3-4 after surgery: The texture of the food is soft and it is easily chewable. The portion size is 50-100 mL and there are three to five meals per day. Suitable foods include egg dishes, stewed meat dishes, minced chicken and turkey, baked or steamed fish, soft-cooked vegetables, soft fruits, porridge, etc.
One month after surgery: gradual transition to regular-textured foods. The portion sizes will gradually increase but should not exceed 200 mL. You should eat three meals a day and one or two snacks if necessary. Suitable foods include lean meats and fish, egg dishes, reduced-fat dairy products, various vegetables, legumes, fruits, berries and whole-grain products prepared with minimal added fats.
To ensure the long-term success of the surgery, the following should be adhered to in the future:
Focus on nutrient-rich foods. Protein sources such as eggs, lean dairy products, various meats and fish and legumes should be eaten at every meal. Eat a variety of vegetables, fruits and berries every day. Avoid foods and drinks high in fat and/or sugar. Excessive consumption can cause unpleasant symptoms (e.g. diarrhoea, dumping syndrome) and inhibit weight loss.
Drink at least 1.2 litres of fluid every day. Drink slowly, in small sips, throughout the day. Avoid eating and drinking at the same time. Drink 20 minutes before and after meals. Suitable drinks are water, herbal tea, flavoured water (without added sugar). Moderate amounts of coffee and tea are allowed, but avoid adding sugar. Carbonated drinks and excessive/regular alcohol consumption are prohibited.
Take vitamin and mineral supplements daily. It is necessary to take a multivitamin as well as separate calcium, vitamin D, iron and vitamin B12. There are also specialised supplements available for post-bariatric surgery needs.
Eat regularly. Avoid long gaps between meals (>5 hours) as well as eating too often. Eating too often can lead to excessive calorie intake, which can inhibit weight loss and cause weight gain.
Chew food thoroughly and take your time to eat. This helps prevent unpleasant symptoms such as nausea and overeating. In addition, eating slowly helps you to better perceive the feeling of fullness.
Pay attention to your reasons for eating. In addition to hunger, eating is often influenced by emotions or the environment. Try to increase awareness of your eating habits: are you eating because it has been several hours since your last meal and you are hungry or are you eating because you are bored, stressed, sad or anxious or because food is available on the table or in the cupboard?
- The wound can be washed in the shower under running water with soap or shower gel every day from the second day after surgery. Remove large wound plasters before showering.
PLEASE NOTE! Do not remove the small transverse tapes or strips on the wound. They can be removed starting from the 7th postoperative day if they have not fallen off by themselves. However, if they remain on, they can be left on for 7-10 days. - Use large wound plasters for 10 days.
- Saunas, pools and baths are allowed from the 4th week after surgery. Swimming in seawater is allowed starting from the 3rd week.
- In case of wound problems (severe redness, discharge from the wound, excessive bleeding, severe pain, swelling, etc.), consult your doctor at The Health Clinic or consult your family doctor.
- Products that promote scar healing (creams, gels) can be used from the 4th week after surgery. A suitable product is, for example, Dermatix. Different products may be suitable for different people; wound gels and plasters do not guarantee a permanent beautiful scar. Fresh air and a healthy, varied diet rich in vitamins and proteins provide the best results.
Beginner / up to 1.5 months after surgery
70,000 steps per week / 10,000 steps per day, but on some days you can walk less or more. It is important to reach 70,000 steps by the end of the seventh day.
Intermediate / from 1.5 months post-surgery to 4-6 months
60,000 to 70,000 steps per week / 10,000 steps per day, but on some days you can walk less or more. It is important to reach 60,000 to 70,000 steps by the end of the seventh day. On training days, you may walk fewer steps, but not less than 5,000 steps.
+2 workouts per week
Advanced / from 6 months after surgery
70,000 steps per week / 10,000 steps per day, but on some days you can walk less or more. It is important to reach 70,000 steps by the end of the seventh day.
3+ workouts per week and the 10,000 steps per day or 70,000 steps per week rule must be maintained.